Picture Perfect

When you are out and about in the world, it is always nice to bring a treasure or two home. Of course, when you are travelling with carry on bags only, space is it a premium so picking the right treasures also boils down to size and weight. While our family was on the Island of Java in Indonesia, I fell in love with a hand done Batik painting. In fact, we were actually on a city tour by rickshaw (or Becak as they call it in Indonesia) when I purchased this painting. This was a perfect treasure to bring home as I purchased the painting unframed so it was both light weight and took up next to no space in my Luggage. Once I was home with my painting I had to think about framing and being the do it yourselfer that I am, I wanted to tackle this project on my own. After looking at a few home decor stores for framing ideas and pricing, I headed to my favorite second-hand store, the Salvation Army, to check out their selection of frames and sure enough, I found the perfect frame.This bad boy had the right dimensions, already had a hanging bracket on the back, was in great shape and was the perfect price at 4 bucks!

I began by first painting over the board with white primer. I had some Benjamin Moore Fresh Start kicking around so that it was.Once the frame was dry, I gathered up the materials I would need to complete the job. A hammer, needle nose pliers, a screwdriver, a staple gun and some staples.

I started by centering the material on the board. I then carefully flipped the board over while holding the material in place. I then tacked the material down by adding one staple in the middle of each side. With the material now held in place, I double checked the placement and I highly recommend the double check before moving ahead with the staple gun because if you have to make any adjustments this is the time to do it.

While stapling, I worked my way out from the middle of all sides then completed my corners last.

And there you have it…a quick, easy and affordable way to frame your painting.




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